

How The Soviet Union Suppressed The Holocaust To Fight “Nationalism”

The Soviet authorities didn’t want their own historical narrative to face competition. That meant obliterating memory, rebuilding historical narratives, and suppressing literature. This article was...

“Babyn Yar: History And Memory”: A Book About More Than The Past

The book “Babyn Yar: History and Memory” appeared just before the 75th anniversary of the tragedy that took place in Babyn Yar during the...

From Conflict To Cooperation: Ukrainian-Jewish Relations’ Bumpy Path

For much of the history of Ukraine, it was difficult to speak of anything akin to Ukrainian-Jewish relations. Jewish assimilation into the broader Ukrainian...

My Sheptytsky

One of the world’s most famous historians of the Holocaust (he himself is a survivor) and the author of “Together and Apart in Brzezany:...

Ukraine And The 1917 Revolution In London

The head of the Ukrainian Institute in London writes about the reception of the 100th anniversary of the 1917 revolution in London. In autumn...

Ukrainian And Jewish Political Prisoners In The Gulag: Toward Solidarity, Mutual Understanding And Cooperation

  The penal institutions in which the Soviet Union imprisoned dissenters had as their purported aim not simply the act of isolating and punishing political...

Pericles Stavrov, Odessan Greek Poet

The poet Pericles Stavrov is known to lovers of literature as one of the great poets of the 20th century. This article is based...

Two Views On Ukrainian-Jewish Relations: Franko And Jabotinsky

Both men hailed from the territory of modern Ukraine. Both were influential journalists, writers, and thinkers during their lifetimes. Both remained inspiring figures for...