Hub Volunteer Service Celebrates 2 Years

Hub Volunteer Service Celebrates 2 Years


Today, October 6th, Hub Volunteer Service, the largest youth movement in the south of Ukraine aimed at the popularization of volunteering, celebrates 2 years since it’s foundation.

In the United States and European countries, volunteering has long been a widespread activity. Children are taught from an early age how about the importance of giving back to the community, helping others who are less fortunate. In Ukraine, the feelings about volunteering are more ambiguous. Hub Volunteer Service supports the volunteering trend in many of Ukraine’s regions. For two years now, the Service creates social projects, promotes social initiatives and tackles the problem of young people’s indifference to the development of the city and the country.

On Friday October 7th, from 3pm to 4pm, the volunteers of the Hub Volunteer Service will carry out a promotional street action. University and high school students will go out to the main intersections of the city with signs reading “I’m a volunteer. Ask me “Why?”, in order to explain to Odessites that volunteering is more than just free labor.

For an hour, the volunteers will share their stories and their personal reasons for being involved with social projects. Career growth, work experience, helping others — everyone has their own goals, but what unites all volunteers is the desire to change things that they don’t like.