

Vitaly Chernoivanenko On Jewish Studies In Ukraine

Vitaly Chernoivanenko is an associate professor at the Department of History at the National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy and co-director of the M.A. program...

Classical Music’s Pedagogue: Stolyarsky

Many recognize Odessa’s Stolyarsky School of Music as a truly special musical institution. It was in fact the first of many specialized music schools in...

Oleg Kulik In Odessa

The notorious Moscow performance artist turned Buddhist returned to Odessa for a provocative and charming talk. Oleg Kulik is a citizen of the Russian Federation...

Nineteenth Century Travelers In Odessa

Ernest Hemingway’s famous observation in his memoir ‘A Movable Feast’’, in which he describes Paris as “the place best organized for a writer to...

The Scent Of Romance: Four Tales of Love In Odessa

One of the most respected journalists on the Ukraine and Russian conflict recounts four stories of romance in the city. I. It was a foggy salty...

Top 5 for the Weekend of September 2-4

Symphonic music concert at the Odessa Philharmonic September 1, 2 at 7pm In honor of the 222nd anniversary of the Odessa City, the Odessa National Philharmonic...

The New British Film Festival Comes To Odessa November 24th

The New British Film Festival, with the participation of British Council Ukraine, begins in Odessa on November 24th at the festival center "Rodina" and continues through...
Burn Burn Burn

OIFF Update: "Burn Burn Burn" (2015)

It is often said that the only thing you can’t fix is death. The British comedic-drama “Burn Burn Burn”, directed by Chanya Button, presents...

Bel Amie

  In this fantastical story, the author imagines himself meeting with Bel Kaufman a few years after her death in 2014 at the age of...