

Eulogies for Yuri Kuznetsov

The very romantic Soviet and Russian literary tradition of writing poetry to commemorate one's departed friends is still alive and well in Odessa.  After the great pianist passed away, after a prolonged (and inimitably...

My Odessa: Yulia Verba

The writer Yulia Verba has just published a very funny book of short stories “Spawn of the Moldovanka” about her childhood in Odessa’s Moldovanka neighborhood. She first trained as an engineer, though she did...

Assisting Russian Refugees And Emigres Living In Ukraine Without Legal Status

Over the course of the events of the past three years, as the democratic situation in Russia has degraded numerous Russians have relocated to Ukraine. Increased pressure on those who disagree with the Kremlin’s...

Central Bar Owner And Nightlife Impresario Daniel Salem Talks About The Odessa Colonnade

My favorite place in Odessa is the Colonnade across from the Vorontsov Palace. It is very special to me because of my mother — she is the one who first made me love it....

Ernst Neizvestny’s Legacy In Odessa

The great Russian-American sculptor Ernst Neizvestny’s passing in New York City at the age of 91 truly brings an epoch to a closing. The sculptures of Neizvestny (his last name means “unknown” in Russian)...

Alexander Dragan: Portrait Of An Odessa Illustrator

Alexander Dragan is a Odessa-based illustrator, who got his professional start working in the design industry and in television. This year constituted his breakout with his growing from being a newbie to being a...

Jamala: The Voice Of Ukraine

Raised on jazz, soul and the traditional songs of her Crimean Tatar people. She experienced the temptations of easy fame and betrayal. She lost her family home to annexation and conflict. Persevering, she won...

The Inimitable Vitaly Portnikov On Jews And Revolution

For twenty five years Vitaly Portnikov has been one of Ukraine’s leading journalists and political commentators. Born in Kyiv in 1967, Portnikov soon moved to Moscow to study at the Moscow University Faculty of...

My Odessa: Nelly Kharchenko

The Legendary First Presenter Of Odessa Television Nelly Kharchenko Talks About The Odessa Philharmonic Theater It is difficult to choose a favorite place in Odessa. So many are special to me because of events that...

In Odessa, Protesters Demand that Poroshenko Restore Reformist Prosecutor

This article originally appeared in the Atlantic Council's New Atlanticist Blog. Several hundred protesters have camped out in front of the regional prosecutor’s office in Odessa for the past two weeks demanding that Ukrainian President...