

Interview with French Philosopher Michel Onfray

Michel Onfray is widely acknowledged to be one of France’s most prominent thinkers. A self described ‘Anarchist Hedonist’ he is an original and important...

France’s Most Divisive Philosophical Debate Arrives In Odessa

It is a commonly assumed axiom that the French public loves nothing more than an adroit intellectual duel. Over the past year, attention has...

Going To Lviv

The Polish poet and essayist Adam Zagajewski’s extravagant and miraculous new collection, ‘Slight Exaggeration,’ takes on banality and vulgarity through elegant art. This article...

How To Write A Book In The Ukrainian Literary Context 

By Daria Popovich, participant of The Odessa Review journalism seminar and workshop This is an excerpt from a longer work in progress on working on...

Nineteenth Century Travelers In Odessa

Ernest Hemingway’s famous observation in his memoir ‘A Movable Feast’’, in which he describes Paris as “the place best organized for a writer to...

Babel's Extended Ode to Odessa

'Odessa' by Isaac Babel Translated by Val Vinokur Photo by Igor Sytnik Odessa is a nasty town. Everybody knows this. Instead of saying “what’s the difference,” over...

An English Sketch of Nineteenth Century Odessa

The 19th century British traveler discovers a cosmopolitan and colorful city whose inhabitants go out of their way to appear ‘as little Russian as...

The Decommunizing Of Taras Shevchenko

The remarkable poet and artist who is considered to be the father of the modern Ukrainian nation means different things to different people. It...

Mark Twain in Odessa

The Innocents Abroad; or, The New Pilgrim's Progress is the title of the acerbically funny travelogue penned by Mark Twain during his 1867 trip through...

On The Radarami Project

An American long active in Georgia writes about his organization, which is dedicated to connecting the small Georgian nation to big ideas around the...