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Top 5 for the Weekend of September 2-4
Symphonic music concert at the Odessa Philharmonic
September 1, 2 at 7pm
In honor of the 222nd anniversary of the Odessa City, the Odessa National Philharmonic...
Daydreaming About Odessa’s Soho: The Revival Of The ‘Devolanovsky’ Descent
For decades, the Devolansky Descent (or the ‘Ditch’), the long street stretching from the foot of the port to the plaza about a kilometer...
The Evolutionary History of the Barbara Bui Design House
The Barbara Bui boutique on Ekaterininska street in Odessa has been a staple of the city’s fashion scene for years. The French designer’s raw...
Francoise Oz: Art Through Fashion
While Searching For A Fresh Approach To The Plastic Arts Odessa Based Painters Francoise Oz And Bogdan Perevertun Immersed Themselves In The World Of...
Beautiful Pivdenny Bug: Eco-tourism, Rafting, and Fishing
Are you a fan of tourism, fishing and rafting? Are you interested in history, biology and geology? If so, then you should definitely consider...